استبيان القطاع الصناعي

استبيان القطاع الصناعي

الاسمرقم الفاكس
الشركةرقم الهاتف
المسمى الوظيفيالبريد الإلكتروني
Education Planning & Quality Unit Industry Survey
Type of Organization *
Total number of your Organization employees *
Total number of Technicians & Operators in your Organization *
Core Skills which are needed in your organization *
Rate of Saudization at your organization *
How long will the technician / operator be trained for at your organization? *
List the technical / soft-skills training programs that are provided to technicians or operators *
What is the overall performance of JTI graduates who were hired at your organization? - Unsatisfactory to Best *
How likely would you recommend JTI to your colleagues or community? - Not likely - Very likely *
What type of services would you like JTI to provide in future? *
Have your organization ever hired JTI graduates?
Less than 10 graduatesFrom 11 to 20From 21 to 50More than 50 graduatesNot Applicable
- - Industrial Machining *
- - Industrial Millwright *
- - CADD *
- - Industrial Welding *
- - Industrial Pipefitting *
- - Industrial Electrical *
- - Industrial Instrumentation *
- - Industrial Electronics *
- - Network Administration *
- - PC & Network support *
If you have any other comments, write them down